Please select your word processing program.  


Microsoft Word, any version

Microsoft Office 2013
Microsoft Office 2007, 2010

Microsoft Office 2000, 2002, XP, and 2003

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft Works
Corel WordPerfect

Microsoft Outlook Express 6

Microsoft Windows Mail

StarOffice or OpenOffice

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office
Microsoft Entourage
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power Point

Microsoft Messenger
        (Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6)
Pages '06, '08, and '09
     (Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6)
Keynote '06, '08, and '09
(Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6)
Numbers '08 and '09
        (Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6)
Nisus Writer Pro
              (Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6)
Macintosh OS X Mail 
      (Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6)

Microsoft Messenger        (Mac OS X Lion)
Pages '06, '08, and '09      (Mac OS X Lion)
Keynote '06, '08, and '09 (Mac OS X Lion)
Numbers '08 and '09
        (Mac OS X Lion)
Nisus Writer Pro
              (Mac OS X Lion)
Macintosh OS X Mail 
     (Mac OS X Lion)


Trouble Shooting
Uninstalling the Program


The examples shown in these instructions illustrate operations you may need to perform with your computer.  The examples are designed to apply to your situation.   However, the versions of the  programs shown in the pictures may, or may not, be the same versions of the programs you have on your computer. 


Although many examples shown in these instructions may be from the Inductel Medical Speller, the instructions apply to all Inductel spellers.


To return to this page from any other page, please click on the "Home" button on the  bottom of any page.


To exit these instructions when done, click on the "Exit" button at the bottom of this window.  If you encounter any problems in the activation of your speller, you may want to follow the "Trouble Shooting" link below.  




Updated on 03/05/13.