IN MICROSOFT WINDOWS MAIL The Inductel spelling dictionary is a file named "UserDictionary.lex". It will initially be located on your computer in the "WindowsMail" folder.
The "WindowsMail" folder is found at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Inductel\KAS\spellers\WindowsMail if your computer runs Windows XP.
If you have a Windows Vista or a Windows 7 computer, the "WindowsMail" folder is found at C:\ProgramData\Inductel\KAS\spellers\WindowsMail. Note: the ProgramData folder may be hidden, so you may have to tell Windows to display hidden files and folders.
Copy the Inductel spelling dictionary from the "WindowsMail" folder to the root of the "Microsoft\Windows Mail" folder.
The "Microsoft\Windows Mail" folder will be found at C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail. Copy the Inductel spelling dictionary from the "spellers\WindowsMail" folder to the root of the "Microsoft\Windows Mail" folder. Note: the AppData folder may be hidden, so you may have to tell Windows to display hidden files and folders.
After having copied the file to the Microsoft\Windows Mail folder, run Windows Mail and open a document that you wish to spell check. Then, select "Tools", and "Spelling."
The Windows Mail spell checker will now recognize as correctly spelled all words it encounters in your message that are also in your new Inductel custom dictionary. It will also offer suggested corrections for misspelled words. You may now exit these instructions, open Microsoft Windows Mail, and actually perform a spell check.
Verify that your new speller is working. Key in some test words.
Thank you. For information on other Inductel products, upgrades, etc., please visit the Inductel website at . For technical support, please call Inductel at (408)866-8016, 9am to 5pm Pacific Time. Or send us an email at 24/7. __________________________________________________________________