The Image button will be visible only when you have set your options
(preferences) to “display images only on request” and then only if the definition displayed has a corresponding picture. Then if you click on the Image button, an image will be displayed.
The other option is to “always display images.” That is the default setting. Under that setting, the image button is not visible. Then whenever the dictionary displays a definition that has a picture associated, the dictionary will display a picture too.
Either choice: “always display images” or “display imaged only on request” may be set in the Options window. To access the Options window click on Tools in the Menu Bar.
If you have the Inductel Medical Dictionary or the Inductel MicroLibrary, many of the entries contain anatomical graphics. Many of the anatomical graphics contain navigation hyperlinks to other, related anatomical graphics. You may click on the navigation hyper links to view other anatomical graphics and their definitions.
If you own a copy of the Inductel MicroLibrary, then you should know that hundreds of definitions in the MicroLibrary have associated videos. If the MicroLibrary displays a definition that has a video, then the Video button will appear in the Button Bar. Click on the Video button to play the video.